A subculture is a collection of experiences, expectations, ultimately communication strategies that grow up around a work or develop from other shared experiences. For example, some Star Wars fans have more in common than just having seen the movie - they have developed a subculture or community.
One can treat these as a collection of labels which I am willing to permit to be applied to myself.
Truth, restored. A tagline for the restored Church of Jesus Christ - and itself true. Jesus Christ is alive today, and like His Father, has a glorified and perfected body of flesh and bone. Him and His Father appeared to the young man Joseph Smith in early 1820 and commanded him not to join any then existing church, due to a great falling away that had occurred many centuries previously. Jesus Christ still speaks with and visits man today, and His spirit is felt by any good people the world over. Still, the Priesthood authority was lost during this apostasy (falling away), which neccesitated a restoration of these ancient privilages. This was restored by angels sent from the presence of God, and now is on the earth and frequently used by authorized and worthy priesthood holders throughout the world today. The Book of Mormon ("Mormon's Book", an ancient prophet) was translated by the gift and power of God, and the source records taken back into God's keeping. This is a book of true scripture, comparible to the Bible in its value to humanity. Men ordained and called to be prophets, seers and revelators walk the land, visiting and sustaining the Church. Miracles are real. I know, and I bear witness in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.
I've felt drawn to dragons since before I was 4. Possibly a power/otherness touchstone. See also a rough Dao which significantly overlaps with my own.
I believe that every person has a right to respect, and barring certain exceptions such as violating other's ability to enjoy life, liberty, and property, the right to enjoy life, liberty, and property (the "American way").
I do not always agree with every cause advanced by some organizations for advancing social equity, but I am committed to supporting non-violating freedom of expression and all freedom from prejudice and "-isms". In this I strive to be like Christ, in that He loves everybody even though He does not endorse every course of action (see e.g. Matthew 23 for some actions He did not endorse during His public ministry).
I am aware that I benefit in some contexts by not having some barriers or negative expectations to overcome (commonly labeled "privilege"), and some of those same "privilege" traits have in other contexts been a source of negative discrimination. Having been both discriminated against and not discriminated against (though hopefully never discriminated for), I prefer the later and would like everybody to experience a completely discrimination-free environment.
Some noteworthy groups I believe qualify as "people" and should be treated with dignity and respect and not have the rights to life, liberty, and property infringed: indigenous peoples, African-Americans, women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with physical disabilities, fetuses, children, animals (within reasonable bounds for intellectual capability), people with intellectual disabilities, people with different religious beliefs and practices, people of other cultures, people of other races, etc. This is not an exhaustive list, and is focused towards groups off the top of my head which I feel have faced noteworthy discrimination. Please feel free to reach out if you are concerned about an omission.
These beliefs might lead me act sometimes in counter intuitive ways: