Michael Clark is an experienced web backend (PHP/NodeJS/MySQL) and embedded systems (C) software engineer. He's also an adequate system administrator and "fullstack" developer. Hobbies include security, fantasy, and gaming. He is currently back in school getting a doctorate in Computer Science with an emphasis in Usable Security at BYU.
Iiridayn is a programmer and social gamer - not a lone wolf. I use Iiridayn as my identity on the Internet primarily when I wish to interact with others. For this reason I list him first despite being my third pseudonymous identity.
Ged - originally named from "A Wizard of Earthsea" - is a large, scaly, black (off-green), fire breathing dragon. When I play as Ged, I fight to win. Ged was my first online identity, used for an AckMUD, "Shades of Evil".
Yevuard - name taken from same series as Ged (though initially misspelled, the spelling is original to myself) - is a scientist and magic researcher. He is older and wiser than Ged, his brother. I use Yevuard for more non-professional scholarly persuits and draconic interests.
Terrinqua is a mendicant and wandering healer. Due to the nature of my online interactions, I rarely have cause to use his pseudonym. He is my fourth character and second with a name constructed to avoid naming conflicts.