Taveruhk is a tiger-man, or anthropomorphic tiger, inspired by trickled down accounts of Rakshasa by way of Dungeons and Dragons. He is a storyteller and entertainer, though his skills at legerdemain are not used exclusively to the benefit of those around him.
I created Taveruhk when I first played The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, and needed a Khajiit character suitable for the setting. As I found myself sneaking everywhere, "collecting" nearly everything not bolted down, and joining the thieves and assassins guilds this informed his character development. Later I found a need for a character to hold my storytelling elements, and Taveruhk was a natural fit as a successful face and talented conman. This naturally lead to the softening of his character, making it more suitable for public unveiling.
When able, he prefers to wear fine clothing and jewelry. He is typically depicted with gold loop earrings in his ears, though generative AI tends to ignore that detail.
Of note, he is neither strictly anthropomorphic nor simply a tiger-headed man, nor yet a Khajiit which was his initial incarnation. His form is somewhat underspecified, suitable for one who stands in both light and darkness, and who was inspired by stories of the Rakshasa.